How to Distinguish Red Diamond and Ruby

How to Distinguish Red Diamond and Ruby

Many people can not clearly distinguish red diamonds from rubies. Although red diamonds and rubies are similar in color, red diamonds and rubies are very different jewelry.

Color Difference

Ruby's reserves are much larger than that of red diamonds. Ruby is more colorful, common colors are pink, dark red, purple red and so on. The best ruby is the pigeon blood red. Pigeon red ruby is the best of the best, and the color is bright as fire. Red diamond is not as rich in color as ruby, but the charm of red diamond is still far greater than that of ruby.

Value Difference

The biggest difference between red diamond and ruby is the value of both. The value of red diamond is higher than the value of ruby. Because red diamonds are too scarce, its scarcity determines the valuable of red diamonds. As far as the current red diamonds, the most famous are the Hancock Red and the Moussaie Red. These two red diamonds are very expensive and rare and have been protected by the United States Museum of Natural History.

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